I departed Spokane on Thursday morning for the short (1 hr) drive to Rathdrum. Thursday and Friday were spent relaxing at my friend Scott's house and Saturday morning we set out for Alaska!
Scott 'working it' on his BBQ!
Bikes cleaned, prepped, and ready to go!
Obligatory departure pic for posterity...
About an hour and a half later we are at the Canadian border.
After convincing the border guard that we are harmless, old, retired guys...we are in British Columbia!
Our destination was Toad Rock Motorcycle Campground, north of Nelson, BC. Both Scott and I had read about Toad Rock on the Adventure Rider forums and it was a 'must do' item on our trip. It did not disappoint! Eclectic doesn't do it justice.
Here's a few pics to give you an idea of the atmosphere...
Our campsite...a normal campsite, but that where 'normal' ends...
The outdoor 'community' kitchen and me fixing us some brats for dinner...
And now for a cursory walk about the grounds...here's a Mash Unit...yes someone lives in there!
Or here's a more permanent housing unit...
If you are passing thru and don't have a tent, no problem...you can rent one of the many vehicles on the property...
Here's one that they are getting ready for a rental unit! And no, it's not in any water. It's beached!
It's impossible to capture true ambiance in pictures and I'm not really sure how to explain it, but there is a cast of characters, that are both permanent and transient. There are a number of small 'gathering' spots, but the main one is complete with a bar, on the'honor' system (they have no alcohol license). So you can bring your own, or replace what you consume, or 'donate' bier money, in the bier money jar. There is a pool table and enough cool junk to keep you 'looking' around in amazement for literally hours!
Here's a collection of pics...one other thing, this is all 'open air', it's got a roof, but that's it...oh, and there is no 'closing time'.
Scott taking it all in...
Me at the 'honor cooler'...
The 'bier money' jar...
Some 'horseplay'...
Dave and Kady..he's been there for 3 weeks and is staying another 3 weeks!
This is Mary, the founder. She built and opened Toad Rock 41 years ago! Grant is her live-in and what a character he is...I mean who drinks bier out a can with a straw!?! Fun people everyone we met!
And be forewarned, if you're still working and being drug tested, the air can get
pretty 'thick' here at times...I think this guy's had enough...
This is a must do if you are riding thru on a bike! Scott and I had a blast!
At night's end, the lighting will help u find your way 'home'...
The next morning we set out early for
points north. I say points north, because we have no set daily destination. We know we have a reservation in Wiseman, north of the Arctic Circle, on July 29th, but that's it. So we travel north and stop when it seems right. For those that 'do' this Alaskan 'thing', planning is, IMHO, wasting opportunities. So many things can effect a schedule on a trip like this, planning/reserving can kill your trip. This is best done 'on the fly'...period.
So we are on the road, northbound, as that's where we will find The Arctic Circle. We have taken ferries across lakes, seen incredible scenery, and met some Royal Canadian Mounted Police (mounted in a big pickup truck, not on horses).
Ferryport at Galena Bay...
Lined up and ready to board...
While waiting for our 'ride', I wandered down to the beach and found these Cairn formations...pretty cool!
Here comes our 'ride'...
Smooth sailing across Upper Arrow Lake...
Cool name for a lake ;-))
You meet the nicest people in a Tim
Horton's! Royal Canadian Mounted Police...some BIG boys. The guy to the left was easily 6'10"!!! Told them it was nice to meet them, but hoped not to see them again!
Presently we are holed up in a motel, in Burns Lake, staying dry, as the rain has been coming down sporadically, and we know the coming days we will be riding in the rain. So tonight we stay dry, catch up on laundry, and mentally prepare for some adverse weather...we knew it wasn't going to be easy. Stay tuned for more...
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