"You are dead a long time, so enjoy the time you have while you are alive"

Audio: Dave Is On The Road Again by Manfred Mann

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 22 (Victoria)

Yesterday was kind of a milestone day for me.  3 weeks/21 days on the road.  The first 9 days I had a riding partner, the rest has been solo.  There are advantages to both.  I'd ridden with my friend, Scott, on multi-day trips in the past, and we're a good fit.  

When we split at Kamloops, I had conflicting emotions, I'll miss his company, he's a great friend, I love riding with him, but there was another side of me...for me, this trip was about testing myself, on the road alone, camping, hostels, couchsurfing, mechanical issues, dealing with whatever challenges were thrown at me, and being able to adapt.  

At some point in the future I'd like to ship my bike to Europe and spend 2 to 3 months traveling.  This trip, if I could not deal with the challenges mentioned above, or even the 'aloneness' of being on the road by yourself, it would surely be my wakeup call.  That for all the living vacariously, through other's ride reports that I've read, it just isn'f for me, I'm not cut out for it.

But what I'm finding as I continue on this journey, is that I like being alone.  I'll stop for a day or two, but after the second day, I find myself really missing my time on the bike.  After 2 days I fing myself getting restless for the next uncertainty.  The next challenge.  Who will I meet, what will I see?  When I read the blogs of those who literally travel the world alone on their motorcycle, I am in awe of their travels, their ability to survive.  This, in my own way, in my own mind, allows me to peek into their world...

SO...back to reality and the here and now.  I'm still in Victoria, but as previously stated, I'd 'met' David online, on the Adventure Rider .com site.  I was sending out 'tentspace' requests (similar to CouchSurfing) to other adventure riders, that are on the site, and offer a bed to sleep in or a yard to camp in.  We had coordinated that he would host me on the 17/18th and that I could arrive his place after 3 pm on the 17th.  

The afternoon meeting time meant that I had about 5 hours to spare after leaving Joel's condo.  First order of business was to find some lunch.  Patty and I happened across the Bard & Banker Scottish Pub a few years ago, while on an Alaskan Cruise...great Fish & Chips...and Guinness!  We loved it, so it's off to Bard & Banker...

Let's go in...

I'll take my seat at the bar please...

Getting comfy at the bar...

...and I've got a nice view, but NO biers while on the bike...once I get off, it's a different story!

Fish n Chips...of course!

I spotted this on the liquor shelf.  I had to have a look, as while in Tofino, this is what the bartender was treating me too.  I'd never had shots of rum, but this was pretty tasty...

Belly full it was time to get touristy, I signed up for the Victoria Double Decker Bus Tour...

Departure point was in front of The Empress Hotel...

Awesome inside and out...

...and famous for it's Tea Room.  This is one of the bucket list items for both Patty and I, it was closed when we were here on the Alaskan Cruise, I was tempted to do this while standing outside the doors, but felt this best left until we are both able to enjoy it...

Nearby The Empress, is the Parliment Building, at night it is lit up and incredibly beautiful!

Across the road from The Empress, is the marina, where they were having some sort of Long Boat competition...really fun to watch...

The marina is a central point of activity, with lots going on...

Victoria has a large Chinese presence, here is the entrance to Chinatown...

It is Canada's Oldest China Town...

Canadian's must love murals, as I've seen them on buildings, in most of the towns I've been through...

The native population in Canada, at least western Canada, is called the First Nation.  They are famous for their totem poles.  Here is the world's tallest...

Mile Zero of the Trans Canada Highway, spanning 4990 miles.  In the background is a statue of Terry Fox.  At 18 he lost his leg to cancer, later fitted with a prostetic, he attempted to run the Trans Canada Highway at age 21, for cancer awareness.  He made it halfway, the cancer returned, and he died a year later...

Even saw a memaid on the tour...

We stopped by and checked out the cruise ships that frequent Victoria.  It is said Victoria is one of the destinations for Newly Weds and Retirees, earning the phrase Destination for Newly Weds and Nearly Deads!

Requisite horse carriage...

Touristy stuff finished, it was time to head out and find my 'tentspace' host, David.  Upon arrival I see his beautiful red Ducati MTS in the driveway and am greeted with a Tasman Ale...I think I'm gonna like this guy!  

Turns out this bier was just a teaser, as later that evening, we ventured to his favorite watering hole, a short walk away, and proceed to get into some serious bier drinking...after closing the pub, it was back to his place for a bottle and a half of port wine...I was right, I do like this guy!

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