Day of previously reported, there had been an Orca sighting in the area where we were to be kayaking today. Part of me hoped he would join us, as what a pic and story that would be! So it was off to Tofino Sea Kayaking Company for my excursion...
Here's the view of where we will launch our kayaks, at the end of the dock, is where Free Willy was sighted...
Getting geared up for launch. I ended up in a group with 2 families, which was fine with me, not having any experience with kayaks whatsoever.
I was teamed up with the assistant tour guide, 64 yr old retiree, guy, we had a blast!
Arv and I kept cracking up at the family from NYC, who kept yelling at each other, even the little kids joined in the yelling. Especially entertaining was the wife who kept zig zagging, to the point she actually rammed her husband's kayak a few times (maybe it was intentional), and an innocent bystander on the beach!
Gotta luv the New Yorkers...sorry Rudy ;-))
Out to the open seas we go!
Eerie calm...really cool!
Waiting for 'Willy' to raise up from the depths...paddle ready to do battle!
So we arrive at our destination, Mearles Island, somewhat of a sacred 'First Nation' area, where we can walk, but have to stay on the paths.
Parked or moored or whatever the boating term is for tieing the kayaks up to shore...
Last chance to 'go'...
There is a series of hand made bridges and pathways, all made by the 'First Nation' people, from the cedar that grows on Mearles Island...
The 'First Nation' people have a language of their own, I think this sign says, 'Welcome to Mearles Island'...of course it could be a warning that we will never leave alive...
Really cool walking along these paths, also got the history of the island and the trees/vegitation that are indigenous to the island from our tour leader, Brandon. Actually the info was pretty interesting...
Cedar planking, some of which is over 20 years old...
Some of these trees are over 1500 years old...
Interesting that new and different types of trees and vegitation are growing out of the old, dead, and decaying cedar trees...
Twin Peaks...reminds me of my trip to Sequoia and some of the 'twin peaks' there...
The back side of this tree is what was interesting...
It was opened up, naturally, on the back side, allowing people to walk in. You could fit 20 people inside! Here's a couple pics, it is pitch black inside, so I didn't know what I was taking pics of...but here they are...
The cedar wood is beautiful and smells great! Especially when the forest is damp.
Our tour guide spotted some bears...three of them :-))
Time to head on back...smooth sailing!
Here's a map of the area. We left from where the yellow marker is, with the arrow, and the Tofino Sea Kayaking label. From there we paddled through the islands, stopping for the Mearles Island tour, then around the backside of more islands, back to where we started from. About a 5 1/2 hour tour...and FUN!
It was a successful tour, I didn't get eaten by an Orca, and I didn't I took the tour guides out for biers! Brandon and Arv, great job, thank you!
The bartender treated us to a couple could I refuse! I also tried some candied, smoked, Salmon...delicious!
When I returned to the Guest House...the party just got going! Here's the German contingent sampling some of the US's finest bier! Disclosure: I did NOT partake in this activity!
My German buddy, Jacki, from BERLIN! She was cool, we both had kleine kopfschsmerzen, in the morning, and I had to ride to Victoria, she had to take a surf lesson...hope she didn't throw up!
After 'quite hours' the party move to our room. These are my roomates! Jaci (Berlin, Germany), I forgot the guy's name (Montreal, Canada), and Jeltje (Netherlands).
All in all, a super fun way to close out my stay in Tofino! Earlier that day I had submitted some CouchSurfing requests for someone to host me on the 16th in Victoria. I got lucky and I'll be off to Joel's in Victoria!
It was great to spend the day with you. I'm glad that you have this blog, because now I can join you on your adventure.